
I am J4YC33. I think. I'm pretty sure, but any minute now I could be a sperm whale falling to earth next to a pot of petunias...

I'm a Information Security and Assurance professional. That sounds more impressive than it is, I promise. I've grown up with computers more consistently in my life than people, and I have some very passionate opinions about how the internet should be.

I also have very passionate opinions about Capitalism, and how it's a bane of humanity, a blight on humanity, and an abject horror that needs to be erased from existence.

This is my place on the internet, where I can say things and post things and share things that isn't dictated by the F E E D  ™. I hope that this can, eventually as it grows, form a repository of knowledge, and a starting point to surf the cool parts of the internet... at least as I think it is.

But that's just like, my opinion man...

Feel free to add my banner to your site! J4YC33's Space